Thursday, April 25, 2013

Post #3

 The spear of trium is a weapon that is made of the weapons of big three: Zues' lighting bolt, Posiedon's trident and Hades' two pronged pitch fork. In the movie, Wraith if the Titans, the weapon was used to kill Kronos. Now this weapon was entirely  made up by the producers and writers, Kronos was never defeated with a giant spear, he was defeated by the shear power of Zues. So sadly this spear of mass destruction is a fake, sorry Ares.

post #2

in Immortals, King Hyperion blows a wall open with a weapon called the Epirus bow.  From what I have seen in the movie, it seems that it uses a light energy in the shape of an arrow. When the arrow hits its target, it explodes. Now the closest thing to the Epirus bow is the bow of Hercules. However,  the bow did pack enough force that it would make Legolas and Green Arrow pee their pants.


This is a blog were I take weapons from movies that are based of off Greek heroes and prove if they were actual mythological weapons. The first two will be the Epirus bow from Immortals, and the spear of trium from Wraith of the Titans.